Business Development Germany

As the center of Europe, Germany has become the most popular place for Chinese companies to invest in and expand their businesses.

Business Development China

With a 1.3 billion population, China is still one of the most interesting markets for German family-owned corporations.

Adkardia GmbH

Founded in 2016, Adkardia GmbH is located on the Rhine River in Düsseldorf, Germany. As a team of German and Chinese experts, we provide services in helping companies doing business in Germany and assisting enterprises expanding into the Chinese market. With our consultancy services, we help German and Chinese corporations bridge the business culture differences and offer cost-efficient and construtive solutions.


Business Development Germany

As the center of Europe, Germany has become the most popular place for Chinese companies to invest in and expand their businesses. 

Based on our extensive professional experiences, our experts offer a one-stop solutions for Chinese corporations. 

Please contact us for a customized solution and proposal.

Business Development China

With a 1.3 billion population, China is still one of the most interesting markets for German family-owned corporations. 

Our offer acts as an extended-arm for German companies in the Chinese market,. We support your business with communication, establishing contacts, matching distribution partners and providing with suitable consultancy and services.

Our services are proved to be great tool for a successful business expansion to China. 

Please contact us for more detailed information.

The Team Behind

Adkardia GmbH is located on the Rhine River in Düsseldorf, Germany. A team of international experts, we provide services in Business Development Germany and Business Development China.

Our team members in Germany are as follows:


Yan Fang

Managing Director

Worked in sales in Shanghai, China for 6 years and in Germany 10 years, Yan has built wide networks in China for Trading and Sales & Marketing. Chinese native speaker. Fluent in English and German.

Hans-Georg Herrmann

Senior Consultant

Master of Economics, more than 20 years’ experience in manufacturing and trading. Worked in Fortune 500 companies in USA and Canada. Was Managing director at a German investment company. Hans’ wide-ranging sales experience contributes greatly to our team and clients.

Maja Minarik

Senior Consultant

Master in Engineering from University of Split. MBA from Cotrugli Business School. Twelve years’ professional experience in product management and international trading. Worked in two Fortune 500 companies and lived in the USA, England, Ireland and Austria.

Sven Koble

Business Development Manager

Master of Science in Information Technology from Dresden Technical University. More than 15 years’ experience in business and product development in Germany.

Tobias Schmidt

Advisory Board

Diploma in Electrical Engineering. About 20 years’ experiences in projects managing and international sales. Worked in market leading German corporations. Business experiences in Germany, China, Italy and Middle East. His broad business perspectives contributes greatly to the founding and growth of the company.

Xujun Gao

Project Specialist

Bachelor of Arts in German Language from Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Master in Economic Law from Bonn University. With extensive experience in interpreting and international trading, Xujun builds a great communication with the clients.

Get in touch

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    Ways of contact

    Of course you can contact us via phone or directly by sending us an email using the form on the left.


    +49 211 24793328



    Unterdorfstraße 37a
    40489 Düsseldorf

    Join our team!

    If you would like to be part of our team, please contact us through for detailed job descriptions.
